We always improve ourself to serve you Better.

In 1999, the brand "LicinLicin" started itself in a nowhere. However, it is becoming an established and wellknown household brand, which offering a wide variety of high quality household cleaning products. This is where we believe we are focusing on the correct thing, which is improving ourself everyday.

Do you know? When U Smile, We Smile!!

Our team get extreamely excited and motivated when customer appears and say :" I am so happy since I swapped to Licin Licin" with a round and smiley face.

We improve ourselves, in terms of:

Cost Effectiveness

By concentrating our product contains and reducing packaging cost, we successfully reduce the cost for product users. As example, it only cost RM0.30 every time when you mop your floor by using Licin Licin Floor Cleaner, which normally cost RM0.50 by using others brand. Try it yourself, it might saved you up to 40% of your every month spendings in household cleaning products.

Quality Control

We constantly improve ourself in the system of quality control. We also colloborate with another parties to ensure the quality. We belive, when we claim a product can repel insects , it really meant it. As examples, Citronella Floor Cleaners is verified by research about its "strong anti-mosquitoes property", by Malaysian Agriculture Research Development Institute.

Environmentally Awareness

As a profit sharing organization, we never forget to share portion of the profit to our mother earth. Most of our profucts are environmentally friendly, and certified by others. As example, Licin Licin Floor Cleaner is tested "Environmentally friendly" by SIRIM